Lud village is located in Baihar tehsil of Balaghat district in Madhya Pradesh. It is situated 36km away from sub-district headquarter Baihar (tehsildar office) and 52km away from district headquarter Balaghat. People belongs to Baiga and Gond predominantly in village. Village literacy rate is 54.4% and the Female Literacy rate is 25.0%.
Embed Project is working in village lud since year 2021 to eliminate mosquito borne disease malaria. EMBED team and BCCF are rigorously doing awareness activities at village level, school, health and wellness centers and Aanganwadi centers to address the threat of malaria and to change the behavior of community to make them safe for this deadliest disease.
BCCF Ramesh Choudhary is educating the community by visiting every household to use at least one modern method. The effort of BCCF outshine when he came to Know about a story of Household no. 73 of Cluster no.3 Mrs. Susheela Choudhary.
Mrs Susheela choudhary is living with 4 other family members in village, she had received 2 Long Lasting Insecticidal Net by Government in the year 2018, but she required one more due to which she has to sleep in open due to which she was exposed to mosquito bites ,she somehow manages some kind of mosquito repellent like agarbatti for which she has to spent daily . Due to financial crunches, she was loath to buying bed net from market.
But now honorable Chief minister as releases the fund of ₹ 1000 every month under Ladli Behana Yojana Mrs. Sushila Choudhary has utilizes this fund in purchasing a double bed sized mosquito net. She says now I had invested money for my healthy future also in next installment I will purchase a vaporizer and refill for my family.