Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh
Tanda village located at Bhamora block, Bareilly. It has 41 Kms. From district headquarter, Bareilly. Village has 345 household and 2042 population as per resource mapping. This villages have more affected the malaria fever last four years. Community has lack of awareness to protocol treatment and use the traditional methods that people used for mosquito bite prevention. Village is biggest challenges to fight again malaria. In 2019, 100 positive cases, In 2020, 45 positive cases and In 2022, 0 positive cases in this village.
EMBED team worked with community, school children, stakeholders and outlets in the village. EMBED team awareness the community through IEC and BCC activities and awareness program.
Meeting with community, school children, Pradhan and stakeholders for use of mosquito repellents. ASHA and BC did home visit to educational initiatives and inform people about the benefits of using these method. One of the family in village, Kusum Lata w/o Pramod Kumar Mourya are using modern repellents last three years for mosquito bite prevention and protect to her family.
Project’s Contribution
EMBED team support to LLIN uses of all household and awareness the modern repellent method for prevention malaria and dengue. Household started adopting these modern repellent methods.
The Impact
This year no malaria positive case in the village.