Chindikuwa village is located in Kirnapur Block of Balaghat district in Madhya Pradesh. It is situated 14km away from sub-district headquarter Kirnapur (tehsildar office) and 48 km away from district headquarter Balaghat. Jamdimeta is the gram panchayat of Chindikuwa village. The total geographical area of village is 308.46 hectares. Chindikuwa has a total population of 174 peoples, Literacy rate of chindikuwa village is 58.02% There are about 33 household in Chindikuwa village.
Community people were refusing to use LLINs as per their believes that LLINs are treated with insecticides that will suffocate one while sleeping and is very poisonous for infants and children of under five years of age. ASHA, Lilvanti tidke has lost the hope that this community will ever use LLIN
BCCF Sunil Tembhre, BCCF of Kirnapur Block Visited as per plan to the village. He started doing this routine activity of creating awareness about elimination of malaria and dengue by motivating community to use LLINs, treatment of water stagnation points, clearing water logging sites, visiting to ASHA worker if feel fever for diagnosis of Malaria and its treatment. During his household visits Sunil found few households where the families were not using LLIN/Bed nets. He tried to motivate House No. 1, of Mr. Ram Bharose to use LLINs by informing them about the importance of using LLINs. But he refuses to listen and ask him to leave. That day Sunil left their place.
But our BCCF Sunil didn’t lose the hope and keep on going to visit the family and motivating them to use. On his 4th visit to the house of Ram Bharose, Sunil the BCCF ask them to bring the LLIN provided by the Government, and he himself unpacked the LLIN, tied around the bed and demonstrated by laying under the LLIN for half an hour. He explained that the LLINs provided by Government neither suffocating nor poisonous and shown this open body parts that it does not creates any rashes or and itching or any skin redness.
After his demonstration the family started using LLIN now they are using bed nets regularly. And motivating to their peer group and neighbours and to use LLIN if available use bed net by purchasing from market.
Last year the village reported 4 cases of malaria during the month of May 2021 and this year no malaria case reported till date.