People’s behavior is changing through Chaupal, Dhodrepal, Bastar
Dhodhrepal village is 35 km away from Darbha block of Bastar district, mostly tribal (Madia, Gond Muria) community lives. Work is being done in this village for malaria eradication under Godrej EMBED Project from September 2021. In this sequence, when the village chaupal was being done by the worker of Embed project through home contact on 09/09/2021, there is a big pit near the road seen in Patelpara of Dhodrepal village, which filled with water for several days. Due to this, mosquito larvae had grown in abundance in it, this pit was near the houses of the residents there. BCCF of EMBED Project – Ram Kumar Nag collected the people of Patelpara and showed that the larvae of these mosquitoes will take the form of mosquitoes in a few days,…