Chitapur village is located at 30 km from Darbha block of Bastar district, in which mostly tribal (Madia, Gond Muria) community lives. In this village work is being done to reduce malaria under Godrej EMBED Project, in which every month Behavior Change Facilitator (BCCF) visits every house of the village and gives information malaria, dengue.
When the house contact was being done by the worker of the Embed project on 01 July 2021, it was found that two children (7 and 4-year-old) of Ayatu tribal’s house are suffering from fever for the last 3 days and the family did not get the children treated and they were brought to Sirha (local healer). after this high fever father was not allowing to do malaria test, After much persuasion by BCCF, the child’s father allowed Mitanin (ASHA) didi to do test. When both the children were checked by Mitanin (ASHA) with RD kit, both of them got PF malaria.
Mitanin (ASHA) gave the first dose to children and asked father he could visit Sirha if he wanted to. Rest of the dose explain by ASHA to the father and regular follow-up done by BCCF.
In view of this situation, BCCF talked with Sirha and Ayatu and explained that the cause of this tremor and tremor is a symptom of complex malaria, if the disease is not treated at the appropriate time, the condition can become serious or even death of children. He assures them that if you feed them medicine then your children will definitely be fine.