Village Hasapura comes under Baroda of Sheopur district, which is situated at a distance of 29KM from block headquarter and 7 km from district headquarter. In this village 140 families of Meena, Bairwa, and Mali communities reside. BCCF Vipin Acharya of the Embed Project continued to visit the village and meet the people and making the community aware about mosquito-borne diseases. Earlier people were not very keen in cleaning of their surroundings. After showing them live larva in the water bodies near the house, people got to know that these are larva of mosquito and later they will become mosquito. BCCF Vipin explain the life cycle of mosquito. Soon after learning all the sessions community members are themselves started doing water logging treatment by oil filming, draining out water and filling small pits. Now thy put oil weekly in all near by water sources. With the help of BCCF they wrote application to Sarpanch about filling of big water sources and cleaning of drainage, and this is done by regular intervals now.
140 families are benefited by cleaning of drainage, construction of new drainage and two out of four water stagnation point permanently filled by panchayat and remaining two are regularly treated by temephos. After intervention of BCCF and district EMBED team availability of temephos is ensured in the village.