Community Activities for Dengue and Malaria Prevention

Follow up of LLIN during household Visit in Village Kevatm Block Nagwan Sonebhadra 04-08-2023

Engaging communities is a crucial aspect of preventing and controlling dengue and malaria. By working together, communities can significantly reduce the risk of these vector-borne diseases. #EMBED project with support of Godrej Consumer Products Limited doing effective community activities in the area hard to reach and reaching the unreached population. Our field teams is engaged in …..

Organizing interactive sessions to educate people about the diseases, their vectors, transmission modes, symptoms, and preventive measures.

Organizing regular clean-up campaigns to eliminate mosquito breeding grounds, such as stagnant water in containers, tires, and clogged drains.

Conducting households’ visits with potential mosquito breeding sources and provide guidance on eliminating them.

Promoting insecticide-treated mosquito nets to families and ensure their proper use, and use of mosquito repellents. Encourage prompt medical attention if dengue or malaria symptoms develop.

Establishing volunteer groups to actively participate in prevention and control activities. Equipped community health workers with knowledge and skills to identify potential disease outbreaks and initiate appropriate interventions.