Bondari village is located inBirsa Bolck , Baihar tehsil of Balaghat district in Madhya Pradesh, India. It is situated 74km away from sub-district headquarter Baihar (tehsildar office) and 94 kms away from district headquarter Balaghat. The total geographical area of village is 1046.82 hectares. Bondari has a total population of 467 peoples which belong to Baiga primitive tribes, out of which male population is 282 while female population is 185. Literacy rate of bondari village is 23.76% out of which 27.03% males and 20.34% females are literate. There are about 76 houses in bondari village.
ASHA, Kaushlya Dhurwey is working since 2017 in village primary healthcare service provider. She has been working for basic health care for TB, Malaria, Mother and child care and so many other health related services. ASHA has to remember all the protocol of basic medicine and aid.
Among this treatment for malaria is very crucial and important as malaria is treatable and is not fatal if diagnosed and treated timely.
ASHSA Kaushlya Dhurvey had facing problem while treating malaria patient with correct antimalarial dose. Every time when she diagnose patient with malaria positive had make a call to her senior ANM or ASHA Sahiyogini for dose that has to be given to the concerned patient or have to refer treatment protocol chart which was provided by district malaria office (teared 1 year back)
Team EMBED during the regular visit found that ASHA is facing problem in treatment of patient as she does not remember the correct dose of malaria treatment. Sundar Markam, BCCF is working in Bondari village of Birsa Block intervened the situation and given the demo of the treatment protocol application in his mobile only. Afterwards facilitated ASHA, Kaushlya Dhurwey to download the mobile application through this domain- . Sundar Markam the BCCF oriented how to use the application by giving proper hands-on training with different age groups and type of malaria.
After downloading and using the application the stress of ASHA while giving dose is vanished and now Kaushlya Dhurwey confidently with 100 % assurance of correct malaria treatment to the patient as prescribed by GOI is treating patients.
“ पहले डर लगता था कहीं गलत दवा न दे दू किसी मरीज को इसलिए सहियोगिनी दीदी को फोन करना पड्ता था,पर यहा बोंदारी ग्राम से फोन का नेटवर्क ठीक नही मिलता है. दवा देने मे डर लगता था . पर आज मोबाइल मे असानी से दवा निति देख कर अब दवा देने मे बहुत सुविधा हो रही है. एम्बेड ने मेरी मुश्किल आसान कर दी.” – कौशल्या धुर्वे (अशा कार्यकर्ता , ग्राम – बोंदारी)