Badebodenar village under block Badekilepal 16 km far from Jagdalpur, Bastar district mostly Trible people used to live. Every month Behaviour Change Facilitator (BCCF) visits every house of the village to improve knowledge, health seeking behavior and to control of Malaria and Dengue.
During VHND day at Anganwadi centre BCCF visited to support on 10 August 2021 he noticed one pregnant woman was not at VHND centre.
BCCF Rupal singh and ANM visited that woman place to know the reason why she was not attended VHND day.
Then BCCF and ANM met that woman and ANM told the pregnant to attend VHND, but she was not ready to go and refused because she feared of vaccination. In view of this situation BCCF tried to make her understand and convinced her. He told about the importance of vaccination, at the time of deliver she will not be facing any difficulty, Child malnutrition can happen if she will not take vaccination and chances of miscarriage also can happen, finally she was convinced and agreed to take vaccine Infront of BCCF.
Village Health and Nutrition Day (VHND) was identified at the AWC in the village. By community and understand the importance of vaccination.