Ganeshpur village is 54 kms away from district headquarter; located at Ramnagar block, Bareilly. Village has 51 families with total population of 381 as per our resource mapping. Ganeshpur is one of the most affected villages among the district with malaria fever since last four years. Most of the fever cases are treated by RHCPs (rural Health care Providers) or private doctor without testing and malaria treatment protocols. People have less faith in government health facilities that medicines are not useful and harm to body. Villages has many water stagnation and mosquito breeding sources in surrounding. In the year 2019, 43 and In year 2020, 41 malaria positive cases reported in the village.
Biggest challenge was in the village to motivate community members to follow malaria protocols for treatment which can be done only through the government facilities, and they are not willing to go to government facilities. EMBED team started IEC BCC activities and regress follow-up of malaria patient to complete the treatment with help of ASHA, Sarpanch and Primary Health Care Doctors. after some time when malaria patients get cured by government medicines, they themselves advocates the efficiency of medicine. Soon after people are using government medicine.
EMBED team with help of Panchayat did cleanliness drive to reduce mosquito breeding spots and helped in LLIN distribution to all families. As a result of this Ganeshpur village has no malaria positive patient this year till November.