Roopanwara is a remote village around 60 km away from district head quarter of Shivpuri district of Madhya Pradesh. 215 families are living in the village, very few community members were aware about vector born disease and the role of mosquito to spreading the disease. During the listing and mapping survey EMBED team learned that only 5 families have heard about malaria and very few were using bed net. After the chaupal and regular visit of house to house with help of ASHA and involvement of Gramsabha members people started learning about malaria and its symptoms. BCCF helps thme to identify breeding sources and larva. Later they drained water sources near their house and treatment of other water sources with help of Panchayat.
EMBED team regularly visit ASHA and Anganwadi during their chuapal sessions and ensure ASHA to do malaria testing through RDK of any fever cases. Soon people realize ASSHA can do testing and provide medicines so they themselves approach ASHAs about any health-related issues.
There is increase in the number of bed net and other mosquito replant users based on out home visit RTMIS data 153 families are using any kind of mosquito replant (63 bed net, 3 modern methods e.g., coil, electric replant, 88 traditional like fire/smoke etc.) period 1st August- 31st October.