Village Bhairo nagala which is situated 20 km away from Badaun District. It is village which comes under sray pipariya gram panchayat. A small village with only 92 family resides consist of 1 bigger pond. It is our intervention village where malaria was one of the biggest challenges. In year 2019, 2020, 2021 malaria cases were found. As per EMBED team survey 4 pits are in the village. One pit which was nearby government tap facility and it was major source of mosquito breading. Nearby people were majorly affected with malaria and typhoid as well due to contaminated water. So one day one village member came to our BCCF and asked “q bhai yeh gadda bhar sakta hai or isse asspass bhoot kichad rhta hai nikal mai asuvidha hoti ” So our BCCF went Gram Sarpach with community volunteer and ASHA of same village and discussed the problem occurring due to that pit.
BCCF went to Sarpach and describe the whole problem to sarpanch and suggested the solution for pit filling. Sarpanch of that village has taken interest in solving the problem and next day he explored all the possibilities for filling the pit. After raising the problem to sarpanch he arranged the mud filling near the government tap and also channelize the wastewater of tap.
Embed team member raised the issue with community volunteer and ASHA. Described the role of that pit. How it is affecting the health of village people. So, PRI members has taken the seriously this issue and solved it within the one week.
Number of cases malaria case reduced in 2021 from 2020. No new typhoid patients identified this year.